Thursday, January 10, 2008

Star Trek the Next Generation: The Pegasus

Troi is showing Picard the children's artistic efforts regarding Captain Picard Day. What Day? Exactly. Is the USS Enterprise actually Stalinist Russia? Troi, who, for some inexplicable reason (she's female?) is in charge of this craziness says that the children look forward to Captain Picard Day every year. These are some bored children. Is Christmas no more? Anyway, we never hear of Captain Picard Day ever again so I'll give them a break. Picard says the children have an inflated idea of him. Riker, sweetly, holds a doll up to his face and says in his best Patrick Stewart: "I don't know, I think the resemblance is rather striking. Wouldn't you say Number One?" Picard quells him with a stare and enquires about Riker's other occupations. Riker: "I'll be on the bridge." Picard watches him go, irritably. Aw. Starfleet cuts across this madness by asking Picard to meet up with the USS Crazy Horse (I am not making this up), at which point someone on board will beam on over, giving the writers an extra thirty seconds to pull a plot out of their ass that doesn't involve building personality cults around their leaders. Starfleet, incidentally, is as bemused as I am by Captain Picard Day, and Picard is as embarrassed as I imagine Patrick Stewart was.

Riker and Picard mosey to the Transporter Room, as Riker pretends he wouldn't love a Commander Riker Day. What-evah. Every day is Commander Riker Day! Admiral Pressman - now famous as Locke on Lost, to everyone apart from me as I don't watch it - beams in and has barely materialised before he's booming "Will!" and slapping Riker on the shoulder. Gosh, I wonder if they've met before. Picard looks on with mild jealousy as Pressman oozes familarity with Riker, and Riker tries not to fall flat over in panic/fear. He vaguely introduces Picard and Pressman. "Of course, you were Will's first commanding officer. On the Pegasus." Says Picard, shaking Pressman's hand warmly and glancing at Will's less-than-thrilled expression in a "ooooh please please please tell me what happened!" way that we have all worn when meeting people our other halves have History with. Pressman looks meaningfully at Riker and says, funnily enough, the Pegasus is rather topical given that it's just turned up again and...duh duh duh....the Romulans know where she is. Riker gives him a look familiar to everyone who has ever accidentally deleted an entire folder on their office shared drive. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

In the Ready Room, Pressman chinwags that he was the Captain of the Pegasus 12 years ago, and Riker was his helmsman. It exploded. That's it, really. Only seven others made it off before the ship vapourised, so comprehensively that nothing was found. Anyway, Starfleet Intelligence now says that the Romulans have found her. Pressman stares at Riker as he says there's something on board the Romulans would love to have. "How so? I'm not on it," Riker thinks. Anyway, they have to find and/or salvage the ship before the Romulans.

Ten-Forward. Pressman and Riker talk about how young Riker looked without a beard. Yeah - hence how you looked so much better, idiot. They talk about possibly finding the "experiment". Riker says he thinks a lot about "it" and wonders if they did the right thing. Pressman says it was for the "good of the Federation" and too bad if anyone disagreed. I'm guessing it was the wrong thing, Riker. Pressman wants to finish the experiment if they find it - Starfleet Intelligence has ordered it. Riker mustn't tell Picard. Riker looks in total despair.

In the Ready Room, Picard is telling Pressman that he chose Riker as First Officer because he once stood up to his Captain. Pressman can't believe he'd be attracted by insubordination. These are different men, people. Do you see? Picard fishes for the inside track on the loss of the Pegasus. Pressman just says how loyal Riker was for obeying "without question". Picard scowls. So it's not just you. He's been a doormat for every captain! The whore!

Geordi finds the Pegasus in - um -an asteroid. They decide to cover it in ionising radiation to confuse the Romulans. Worked for me. Works for the Romulans, too. Pressman and Riker try, unsuccessfully, to gear up tension. Picard chimes in by ordering Data to keep looking for the ship so the Romulans don't get it. Could this be any more boring? Pressman takes Riker aside and bitchslaps him for wanting to destroy the Pegasus. Pressman then sweet talks him by saying it's difficult to keep his friends in the dark but "I hope you understand it's necessary." Riker really doesn't. Pressman bitchslaps him again for talking back and reminds him of Riker's loyalty and duty. "You stood up for what was right...I know I can count on you again." Riker's face says: "Mummy!"

Riker pops in to see Mummy, sorry Picard, to drop off something or another. Picard calls him back and starts reading a report about a mutiny on the Pegasus. Picard at this point could not be scarier. He is full of anger, disappointment and concern. He's so cold. And Riker knows he's all kinds of busted. "Mutiny! On a Federation starship! That's shocking...that's unthinkable." Stares at Riker. "And yet you've never mentioned it." He carries on, saying how classified the report was. Doesn't that kind of explain why Riker never said anything? Picard lists the weirdness, and gets up close to Riker, asking for his version. Riker says he was fresh out of academy, the crew thought the captain was endangering the ship, and they bolted. Picard is all, "Ah-hah! Really, though?" because he has more. The report says that the surviving officers were suspected of withholding evidence, and further inquiry was recommended - but never was. Picard raises his voice now. "What's going on?" he demands. Riker says to take it up with Pressman. Picard wants to take it up with Riker. Finally, Riker essentially points out [I]Admiral[/I]Pressman outranks Captain Picard. Picard looks at this point beside himself. He accepts that he has to trust Riker isn't going to endanger them all for some crazy reason. If that trust is misplaced, Riker is fired. Riker goggles in disbelief.

They approach the asteroid which the Pegasus ended up in. Not wanting to send in shuttles or teleport, Pressman insists that they take in the Enterprise to a chasm in the asteroid. Picard has a hissy fit, and I see his point as I have no idea why that would solve any of the difficulties, but whatever. Worked for the Millenium Falcoln, if I remember correctly.

None of the crew - apart from Riker and Pressman - seem to have any idea how the Pegasus could have ended up half in a rock. Pressman refuses to allow an Away Team down - only Riker and he are allowed. Picard looks utterly emasculated. This leads to a boring sight of the two of them dondering around in the dark. Eventually, they find "it" intact, and Riker declares that the experiments can't start again, as its against a treaty. They shout at each other for a while about whether or not they are to blame for the deaths of their crewmen. Pressman is like, fair enough, but cram it.

Riker and Pressman return to the Enterprise to find that the Romulans have sealed them into the asteroid. Picard is exactly as fucked off as you may expect. Riker, of course, spills. Turns out it's a cloaking device. Picard is furious, as it controvenes a peace treaty. Pressman takes control of the vessel. Worf refuses to remove Picard from the bridge, because he knows which side his bread his buttered. They decide to use the thing to get through the seal. It works, because Geordi and Data are amazing. Picard places Pressman under arrrest, and Riker places himself under arrest.

Picard goes to visit a very sheepish Riker in the brig. He informs Riker that there will be a full inquiry. Like, I'd hope so. Picard sits beside him. "You made a mistake," he says, and though Will has gained respect, he's lost some. Picard respects him for facing his consequences, and will still be proud to have him as first officer. They leave the brig together.

Picard is love.

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