Okay. I like bad television. This is an absolute fact.
Primeval, to pull an example from the air. Unremitting drivel, naturally. The new series promises to be as mental as the first, best indicated by last week's mystery of the cleaner - pulled injured from the gnashing jaws of a raptor only to be promptly removed from both sight and by extension mind of the entire cast. As for the whole search-for-Claudia (please stop looking), I started watching this week's filled with dread. Well, I stand firmly corrected. Turns out, they DID notice he had vanished, they just elected not to mention it, to further surprise us this week when they turn it into a plotpoint...which, okay, smarter than I thought, but still fairly dumb. Admittedly, not half as dumb as Claudia # 2, who nearly squished the only hotty with a lift after bitching about climbing stairs in heels, to be honest, if someone had just revealed the existence of dinosaurs to me, I would have slightly more important concerns. When the Monster of the Week - an earthworm, and why not? - tried to swallow her ponytail first, I could only applaud its instincts. She drove poor old Cutter to whole new levels of incoherent, self-important shouting.
As usual there were other plotholes - the huge deal that was made of Cutter saving Stephen's ass, even though by the time he laboriously reached Stephen, all the creatures were incapacitated. And why keep the neat twist that after the worms"died", they exploded and began trying to burrow into the skin and all, which was awesome, limited to about thirty seconds of "ew" factor, when it could have been a grandstander? Whatever.
I find it so weird it's sponsored by Haven.
2 months ago
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